Your time must be accurate to get the proper rising sign. "My rising sign on this birth chart is different than I expected, how come?" Our software uses the most accurate data available anywhere for places and changes in time zones throughout history.These time zones will be compensated for automatically. Our database has a record of all time zones throughout history, including daylight time, war time, etc. Please enter the legal time of day at the time of birth.Any planets at the border of a sign (cuspal) may also be inaccurate. If you don't know the time, the Rising Sign and possibly Moon sign might be inaccurate. Please try to be as accurate as possible. The correct time is important for determining your houses, rising sign, and exact moon position.This free web page is currently limited in that area, although our windows software has no such limitations.

Otherwise the web page will choose whichever town is found first in its database. If there are multiple towns in your country or US state that have the same name, we suggest you substitute a different town nearby which has a unique name.Please use the most current country names. USSR, Yugoslavia, and other former Eastern bloc country names will not be found.Don't enter any province, county, or state names for countries outside of the USA.

If the place cannot be found you will be prompted for more information. If the place cannot be found it is most likely due to incorrect spelling, or some other mistaken entry.